Ever since Earth’s first starship crept out on sublight drive a hundred years ago and was met by an emissary of the Galactic Federation, man has lived as a prisoner in the solar system. The Federation decreed that unless man could demonstrate his technological maturity and leave the solar system via a faster-than-light drive, he would not leave it at all. All Earth knows the test that man must pass to win Galactic Citizenship and the freedom of the stars; the FTL drive is every physicist’s top priority. But what they cannot know is that they work against both an alien time-limit and human sabotage – and time is running out. Unless John Parent’s star-drive project is successful, mankind will remain trapped in the solar system, forever…
Szczegóły książki:
- Data wydania
- Wrzesień 1978 (data przybliżona)
- 0441028934
- Liczba stron
- 213
- Słowa kluczowe
- Federacja Galaktyczna, loty FTL, progi technologiczne, zakazany kosmos
- Język
- Angielski
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