Merryn Bartram is dying of a brain tumour, and not wanting to die single, she marries her lover Bernie Oldroyd. Very much in love, he tries almost everything possible to keep her alive, finally including talking to Richie Howe, a colleague of a witch he has met. Howe waits for Merryn to die and then resurrects her as one of the living dead. But Bernie finds to his horror that she has become both a nymphomaniac and an unwilling slave to Richie Howe’s satanic rites.
Szczegóły książki:
- Data wydania
- 21 listopada 1991
- 0586205012
- Liczba stron
- 224
- Słowa kluczowe
- Guy N. Smith, horror, klasa B
- Język
- Angielski
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