As a practiced reporter until her newspaper went to that great pressroom in the sky, P.I. Tess Monaghan knows and loves every inch of her native Baltimore, even the parts being slobbered on by the sad-sack greyhound she’s minding for her uncle. It’s a quirky city where baseball reigns, but lately homicide seems to be the second most popular local sport. Business tycoon „Wink” Wynkowski is trying to change all that by bringing pro basketball back to town, and everybody’s rooting fro him — until a devastating, muckraking expose of his lurid past appears on the front page of the Baltimore Beacon-Light. It’s a
Szczegóły książki:
- Tytuł oryginału
- Charm City
- Data wydania
- 13 października 2009
- Język
- Polski
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