New play from the winner of the 2004 Olivier Award for Most Promising Newcomer, published alongside the premiere at the Royal Court. A husband and wife row about a prescription. A mother and father row about their son, who has become a child soldier. Two sisters row about which one is superior to the other. It emerges that the younger sister, Mary, has killed the child soldier. She is to be stoned to death. Mysterious yet compelling, bewildering yet intoxicating, Stoning Mary is a mix of Caryl Churchill, Sarah Kane and Edward Bond – yet debbie tucker green has a voice all of her onw: one which mixes poetic rhythms with vernacular phrases, rap-song repetitions with complex psychology.
Szczegóły książki:
- Data wydania
- 31 marca 2005
- 9781854598561
- Liczba stron
- 96
- Język
- Angielski
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