In an easy-to-read text, this book examines the growing scientific evidence that is challenging Darwin’s theory of evolution: lack of transitional forms in the fossil record; the impossibility of mutations (almost universally destructive) serving as evolutionary building blocks; the flawed logic of natural selection theory; the stunning lack of evidence for ape-men; the mathematic impossibility of life beginning by itself; and much more. Also explores the damaging effect societal impact of Darwinism, and examines how Inherit the Wind grossly misled Americans about the Scopes trial. Addresses the ever-vital question: Are we here by chance or are we created by God? Indexed, over 80 illustrations, hundreds of quotes from scientists. ENDORSEMENTS DR. DUANE T. GISH, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, INSTITUTE FOR CREATION RESEARCH: „Tornado in a Junkyard by James Perloff should be in the library of every one who is interested in the subject of origins. This book is a powerful argument for creation because it is thorough, fully documented, and scientifically accurate. It is easily readable by scientist and layman alike, and is written in a popular style that will make it interesting and entertaining for readers of all ages. I highly recommend this book.” PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY, 8-30-99: „James Perloff’s intriguing Tornado in a Junkyard aims to debunk evolutionary theory in favor of creationism. Perloff, a former contributing editor to the New American, draws upon the work of neo-Darwinists and geneticists to argue that 'while microevolution does occur–meaning minor adaptations and variations within a species, ’ there is no solid evidence for macroevolution, or conversion of one animal type into another.” DR. EMMETT L. WILLIAMS, PRESIDENT, CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY: „Tornado in a Junkyard is a unique presentation of the scientific case against Darwinism, informally written for laymen. If you are looking for a user-friendly explanation of the facts supporting creation, this book is for you.” CONSERVATIVE BOOK CLUB, 12-99: „James Perloff brings all the data together in a volume readily accessible to nonscientific types. His conclusion, carefully drawn: science contradicts Darwinism. . . . Perloff’s style, unusually lively, makes Tornado in a Junkyard entertaining as well as educational.” ACTOR JACK LEMMON, WHO PLAYED CLARENCE DARROW IN THE 1999 FILM VERSION OF INHERIT THE WIND: „My congratulations to Mr. Perloff for an outstanding piece of work.” HOMESCHOOLING TODAY, JAN/FEB-2000: „Why another 'anti-evolution’ book? Because Tornado in a Junkyard is different. Author James Perloff, a former fanatical atheist and anti-creationist, understands the other side’s point of view. He presents facts that logically disprove Darwinism and unveils the many frauds and lies perpetrated by Darwinists that the public accepts as unshakeable scientific fact.” ELLEN MYERS, CREATION RESOURCE LIBRARY, WICHITA, KANSAS: „I’ve been heavily involved in the creationist movement for many years and am familiar with most of the facts cited in Tornado. However, the racy style, the many excellent photos, and especially the less known details and extensive documentation will now make Tornado my resource of choice in my work.” THE NEW AMERICAN, 9-13-99: „Perloff demonstrates–in this reviewer’s opinion conclusively–that scientific evidence, when examined honestly, does not support modern Darwinism, but actually contradicts it. . . . This is a very important work, written in an informal and attractive style that is a joy to read.” VICKI BRADY, HOST, „HOMESCHOOLING USA”: „With so many books out on the evolution/creation debate it is getting hard to choose from good, better and best. James’ book falls in the best category. I recommend that every homeschool family and church have a copy for their libraries.” CHRISTIAN NEWS, 9-27-99: „Christian News highly recommends Tornado in a Junkyard.”
Szczegóły książki:
- Tytuł oryginału
- Tornado In A Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinism
- Data wydania
- Czerwiec 1999 (data przybliżona)
- Liczba stron
- 321
- Słowa kluczowe
- Kreacjonizm, ewolucja, debata, Bóg, nauka, religia, świat, stworzenie
- Język
- Angielski
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